Get off my lawn!

Musings of an old coder

From Wyam to Statiq

After a period of prolonged consideration, I finally took the plunge and updated my static site generator from Wyam to Statiq. The decision was primarily driven by the discontinuation of support for Wyam, prompting a shift to a more sustainable and actively developed platform.


Development Setup - Dotfiles

In the world of software development, optimizing your workflow is not just about writing efficient code, but also about tailoring your tools to fit your needs perfectly. This is where the concept of dotfiles comes into play, especially when setting up development environments like the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


Enhancing ChatGPT with Memory Features

After reading about Obsidian, I decided to give it a try, transitioning from Microsoft OneNote to explore new functionalities. One of the standout features of Obsidian that caught my attention immediately was its robust linking system, which facilitates the creation of a well-connected knowledge base.