
Notes 2021-09-05

Continuing with "99 Bottles of OOP - 2nd Edition" by Sandi Metz, I am uncovering more refined approaches to object-oriented programming and tackling complex refactoring techniques.


Notes 2021-09-02

I am currently delving into "99 Bottles of OOP - 2nd Edition" by Sandi Metz. This book is a deep dive into object-oriented programming and provides practical techniques to improve code quality.


Goodbye Visual Studio

I have made a significant decision in my development career: I am switching full-time from Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as my primary Integrated Development Environment (IDE). After thorough consideration and extensive use, I've come to realize that VSCode not only meets but exceeds my requirements for software development.


Week Interest 2020-02-01

This week, my browser was filled with tabs that I kept revisiting, each offering valuable insights into different aspects of software development. Here’s a rundown of the articles I found most intriguing and why they caught my attention.


Advent of Code 2019 - Git

On the 16th for star 2, I had dig back into my memory on how to do dynamic program. This was required to have the problem end in a reasonable amount of time. I still think that I am missing an optimization somewhere as it did not finish in under 2 seconds like some other ones did.


Advent of Code 2019

Again this year as have started working on Advent of Code, due to some time constraints this year, I am doing the challenges in C#. So far, multiple challenges have built up and use a simulated computer, referred as the IntComputer. I have so far just written an interpreter for the OpCodes. I have thought about using Roslyn to translate the computer into C# code but I am struggling in how to do this completely as the computer can rewrite it's instruction set. I have also been bad in that I have not yet created a git repository for my code yet.


Advent Of Code Day Two

As you walk through the door, a glowing humanoid shape yells in your direction. "You there! Your state appears to be idle. Come help us repair the corruption in this spreadsheet - if we take another millisecond, we'll have to display an hourglass cursor!"


Advent Of Code Day One

Code Available on GitHub


Advent Of Code Prep

This time of year there is a coding challenge called Advent of Code that some of us at work like to try and do. Last year I did all of the challenges in F#, this year I am planning to do functional C#.


Retail Planning Part 4

Each of the plan variable will raise an event when it value changes. At this point I have only done the simplest thing possible, however I know that in the future (based on upcoming stories) that it will be more complex.