Retail Planning Part 2
We need to think about what the minimum viable change (MVC) for starting this application. I am tending toward the interaction between different planning variables in the same hierarchy.
Retail Planning Part 1
I have decide that just showing how I am doing the functional exercises would be a little boring. Instead I am going to build an application from the beginning using what I have learned from the Functional Programming in C# book. The application I will work on is a convertion of an Windows application into a web application, at the same time I will open source the code around it. The goal of these excersizes is to create a planning structure capable of handling multiple stores, regions and years, similar to the programs I executed originally for companies like Hot Topic
Functional Programing in C# - Chapter 1 Exercises
I am currently reading the book Functional Programming in C# by Enrico Buonanno. Each chapter has a series of exercises. Which I am going to do some of them and put into my blog. I am not going to do all of them necessarily but the ones I find most interesting.